Prayer Pals
Prayer Pals
Got a test coming up? Feeling nervous or discouraged? Or extra thankful for something? Share your thoughts with a Prayer Pal - someone in our church family who wants to commit to praying for you regularly. You can easily send your prayer requests to your Pal using a confidential envelope system that is overseen by the Youth Ministry Leadership Team.
Choose Your Level
You can choose the level of commitment you want, depending on how many details you would like to share with your Prayer Pal.
Share your
name, age &
yearly requests.Type content here...
Share your name,
age, birthday &
bi-weeky/monthly requests.Type content here...
Share name, age, birthday & bi-weekly/monthly requests & pray for your partner.Type content here...
If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact the Youth Leadership team at
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